From Crisis to Continuity: iStream’s Journey with SupraNet’s Data Center Services

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Client Overview

  • Client Name: iStream Financial Services
  • Industry: Financial Services
  • Location: Brookfield, Wisconsin (Serving customers nationwide)
  • Company Size: 40-50 employees
  • Client Since: 2005


When iStream Financial Services found itself in a critical bind due to an unexpected shutdown by their previous data center provider, they needed a reliable partner who could act swiftly and efficiently. Enter SupraNet. 

It was Colin Baker’s first on-call shift at SupraNet, and because of this, he remembers the situation well. “They needed VPN endpoints changed so they could transfer data from their colo to their office. I said, ‘Ok, let’s see if we can make it work,’” he recalls. He also remembers hearing Dennis turn around and say to his team, “I think he’s gonna do it.” 

That was the first of many personal interactions Colin and other SupraNet staff have had with iStream team members over the past 20 years. This relationship allows iStream to ensure their clients are always connected to the data they need.

iStream specializes in payment processing with a wide variety of payment products and services. Founded in 2004, they joined forces with SupraNet in 2005, marking the beginning of a robust partnership that has supported iStream’s needs with customized services to this day.

“SupraNet is great to us. You’ve always been available anytime we’ve had random issues or things we thought were a problem, or couldn’t say it was one thing or another. You’re always there to help us figure it out.”

Joey Officer, Senior Systems Engineer

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: Dual WAN Link from SupraNet to iStream

iStream faced a significant challenge in designing a robust solution to their redundancy and failover needs. Their operations required eliminating all single points of failure. The complexity of setting up connectivity and ensuring redundancy across multiple locations, and with multiple carriers, was an unrealistic task for the iStream team’s capabilities.

Solution: Customized Dual WAN Link Setup

SupraNet bridged this expertise gap. Because we are both the ISP and the carrier, we had the knowledge and skills needed to design a customized setup where both of iStream’s Internet uplinks were routed through independent sets of hardware to increase redundancy. 

“You can buy rack space, power, and the Internet service, but you’re kind of on your own to put it all together,” said Baker. Our clients come to us and say that they need to get information from point A to point B, and we figure it out for them. When we are done, we give them essentially what looks like a long cable that does everything they need.”

Impact on Business

This solution not only increased redundancy and reliability but also spared iStream from the time and hassle of coordinating with multiple carriers. By having the team, assets, and experience to manage all aspects of network connectivity and failover, SupraNet allowed iStream to focus on their core business without the burden of managing complex technical details. 

“At some point you have to have a carrier, and for us to have to recreate what a carrier provides was prohibitive. While we might have been able to learn the technical expertise to work with another Internet provider, in order to get those multiple WAN links in, it was  just cost prohibitive. SupraNet provides that service seamlessly. Additionally, if SupraNet has an issue with one of the other carriers, we just don’t see it and we don’t have to deal with it.”

Joey Officer, Senior Systems Engineer
Challenge: Off-Hour Upgrades with Secure Access

iStream frequently needed to perform system upgrades and maintenance during off-hours, typically after midnight, to avoid disrupting their day-to-day operations. However, due to SupraNet’s security protocols, all access to the data center must be escorted by a certified SupraNet team member. This requirement for secure, escorted access posed a logistical challenge for iStream, especially during late hours.

Solution: Reliable, Flexible 24/7 Escorted Access

SupraNet addressed this challenge by ensuring that a certified team member is always available to escort iStream personnel whenever they need access to the data center, regardless of the hour. This solution was straightforward but critical—SupraNet’s commitment to providing around-the-clock escorted access allowed iStream to conduct their necessary upgrades and maintenance securely and efficiently.

Impact on Business

The reliable availability of SupraNet team members for escorted access enabled iStream to perform essential upgrades and maintenance without any security compromises or delays. This ensured that iStream could maintain and improve their systems as required, minimizing downtime and enhancing operational reliability. The ease and security of accessing the data center, even during late hours, reinforced iStream’s confidence in their partnership with SupraNet, highlighting the value of secure and flexible support in their ongoing operations.

“The team was fabulous with us. We could schedule wherever we needed to, just with a couple days notice and they would have someone there from midnight to 4 a.m. if we needed them. We’re very happy with the off-hours level of support that we’ve received over the years.”

Mark Becker, Chief Information Officer


The partnership between iStream and SupraNet exemplifies the critical importance of a trusted, proactive and creative partner. By providing customized solutions in critical moments to designing customized networks, to flexible off-hour access, SupraNet has enabled iStream to maintain continuous operations and focus on their core business without the burden of managing complex technical infrastructure. This long standing relationship, characterized by personalized support and technical expertise, highlights SupraNet’s role in ensuring iStream’s operational reliability and growth.

If you have any questions about your data center needs, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help you find the best solution for you.

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